Environmental Social Governance
Strong stewardship yields greater results with less impact
Going Green
Going Green
First Factory engaged with Green Project to conduct a full-year Scope 1, 2, and 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inventory for our internal operations.

Key Priorities:
Refine a streamlined, scalable data acquisition strategy to gather relevant underlying company activity, energy, and expenditure data points in support of ongoing, annual corporate GHG inventories
Access a wide array of climate performance analytics and reporting tools, including benchmarking, target-setting, and facility insight
Create ongoing sustainability leadership efforts via robust data collection, allowing for engagement with leading ESG initiatives and target-setting
About Green Project

About Green Project
Green Project publishes comprehensive benchmarks annually that analyze its ESG Data Convergence Initiative-reporting client base. Based on their exposure to activities that generate elevated emissions, the companies fall into two distinct groups: low-impact and high-impact.
Our Open Positions
Key Benchmark Findings
Key Benchmark Findings
- No Scope 1 or 2 footprint; thus our emissions are lower than all peers across all benchmarks.
- No work-related injuries; thus, no workdays were lost due to injury.
- Our limited footprint is driven by efficient operations with respect to its work.